Finches adapt to the new conditions such as drought by changing the size, shape and depth of their beaks. Beak morphology varies according to drought conditions. Since after the drought, vegetation dries out and the hard, big, tough seeds remain, only the finches with deep beaks will survive. Finches adapt via their beaks to different foods sources and different local conditions.
Because they can only reproduce in a living cell
Virus is an organism that is incapable of replicating on its own without a living host. A virus infects a living host and makes use of Its replicational ability to produce new virions. A virus consists of a genetic material surrounded by a Protein called CAPSID. It does not possess the characteristics of other living organisms.
This means that it does not carry out any of the features a living cell undergoes e.g reproduction, respiration etc. Due to this reason, it is not classified as a living thing. They don't possess organnelles that carry out this peculiar functions.
A virus is considered a peculiar microorganism because it can only live and reproduce in a living host cell.
Humans are least likely to survive.
amino acid</span>
Amino Acid sequence
Global Structure
Order from smallest to largest = ?</span>
H, C, N, O, amino acid, amino acid sequence, globular
These contains</span> amine and carboxyl
functional groups, along with a side chain specific to each amino acid.