They differ over who should power because they each have different views on how things should be done.
The correct answer is: Super Ego.
The concepts of Ego, Id, And Super Ego are key elements in the Freudian theory of human psyque.
To Freudian Psychoanalysis, the Id represents all of the libidinal impulses that tend to be wild and hedonistic in nature.
The Ego, refers to the individuals consciousness and how he deals with the pulsional forces that come from the Id.
The Super Ego, is the ideal individual. The Super Ego is morality, ethics, and adaptation to society.
In this particular case, Susanna has a strong Super Ego, while Roger's ID is a dominant part of his personality.
The answer is shaping. Shaping is normally used to train
animals, such as dogs, to perform difficult tasks; it is also a useful learning
tool for modifying behavior of human. It is a method of training by which
successive estimates toward a target behavior are protected—to test his
theories of behavioral psychology.
Southern Asian and Indian