Answer:The Real St. Patrick Was Born in Britain.There Were No Snakes Around for St. Patrick to Banish from IrelandLeprechauns Are Likely Based on Celtic FairiesThe Shamrock Was Considered a Sacred Plant.
B. "Give me liberty or give me death!"
Patrick Henry said that in a speech.
1. Intense pressure by the Japanese-American Citizens league and redress organization caused the President Jimmy Carter led administration to form a commission to investigate the Internment of the Japanese Americans in 1942.
2. The commission examined the reason for the exclusion and the justification for it. They found that the reasons for exclusion was based on racial prejudice and fear and the justification for internment was baseless.
After the aerial attack of the Pearl Harbor in 1941 by the Japanese government, the U.S Department of War started nurturing suspicions of the Japanese-Americans and therefore sought the Internment of these people. The U.S Department of Justice debated this move as they believed that this decision would result in trampling of the rights of the citizens. President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Executive Order 9066 which saw the actualization of the Internment of Japanese-Americans.
When President Gerald R. Ford realized the injustice meted on this group of people in the year, 1976, he repealed the Executive Order 9066 and in 1980, under President Jimmy Cater, a commission was launched to examine the reasons for the Internment. The commission found that the justification given for the decision of Internment was baseless, because the move was borne from fear and racial prejudice.
Social- Which has a beneficial effect on the whole society or on any social group.
Political- Politics is the practice and theory of influencing other people at the civic or individual level.
intellectual- That is mainly dedicated to activities or jobs in which the use of intelligence predominates.
Cultural- Of culture or related to it.
Economic- Of the economy or related to this discipline.