They were to weak to enforce laws, this was their biggest weakness that they had practically. And because of this, they had no power to practically do anything. They were pretty much just a weak government. And when they wanted to go to war, they had to ask for money, and never did they pay it off. This really shows how bad they were in their own government.
<span>a. weak national government
b. congress had no power to tax
c. no common currency
d. each state had one vote regardless of size</span>
<em>Native Americans.</em>
In the early 1800s, white settlers began wanting to expand west, but the land belonged to the Native Americans. The problem was, the Natives did not want to leave whatsoever, and this started to anger the settlers. This was when the Treaty of Echota was brought up, which meant if the Natives traveled to Oklahoma they would keep that land, along with $5 million. Many did not agree to this, which lead to the Trail of Tears, which forced the Natives that did not move west, to walk there in extreme conditions, with little food or water. The Trail of Tears killed most of the Native Americans that took this journey.
Three weeks after the March on Washington the KKK bombed an African American church. This was unreasonable and unprovoked. This event showed that change was needed in America.