1.Popular Sovereignty. The principle of popular sovereignty was the basis for every new State constitution.
2.The major features of the articles of confederation were the establishment of the confederation as 'The United States of America', and an explanation of the rights possessed by any state and the amount of power that the state were entitled to.
3.The Federalists wanted to replace the Articles of Confederation because they believed that the structure the Articles laid out did not provide enough power for the federal (or national) government to effectively solve problems.
4.Anti-Federalists argued that the Constitution gave too much power to the federal government, while taking too much power away from state and local governments. Many felt that the federal government would be too far removed to represent the average citizen.
sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany, permanently dividing Germany
During the post era Most influence are the aristocrats and local
provincial administrators, the typical pattern for relations between china and
its neighbours during the post-tribute, but remain independent. The Ming Chinese
naval expeditions of the early 15th century ended because they challenged Confucian
values and typical expenditures
Steal the land of the natives and claimed he had "found it". But all he really did was despoil native americans property and life.
Just another expedition of a white man call. He couldnt even know the difference between Japan and China