A wave of destruction, looting and incendiaries [fires] unparalleled in Germany since the Thirty Years War and in Europe generally since the Bolshevist revolution, swept over Greater Germany today as National Socialist cohorts took vengeance on Jewish shops, offices and synagogues for the murder by a young Polish Jew of Ernst vom Rath, third secretary of the German Embassy in Paris.
Beginning systematically in the early morning hours in almost every town and city in the country, the wrecking, looting and burning continued all day. Huge but mostly silent crowds looked on and the police confined themselves to regulating traffic and making wholesale arrests of Jews “for their own protection.”
The first Continental Congress (September 5 - October 26, 1774) was attended by delegates from all the colonies except Georgia (it joined the Second Continental Congress on July 20, 1775). Congress participants adopted an appeal to the King of England demanding the lifting of trade restrictions and taxation of the colonies without the consent of their representatives. The First Continental Congress called on the colonists to boycott British goods and begin preparations for a possible war.
The Second Continental Congress (May 10, 1775 - March 2, 1781) actually performed the functions of the legislative and executive powers of the rebel colonies: it led recruiting for the army, military operations, and entered into international agreements. The Second Continental Congress adopted a resolution on the formation of each colony's own government (May 10, 1776), as well as the Declaration of Independence of the United States in 1776. By decision of the Second Continental Congress, the Continental Army was created under the command of Washington.
It was a dilemma because a multitude of reasons.
First, the original 13 states were given too much independence and therefore were basically their own countries that count print their own money. Then there is the fact that Congress was unable to tax and they also couldn’t regulate commerce; therefore, there wasn’t a stable national economy. There was also no national court system or judicial branch. There was also no executive branch approved by congress and we also have to mention that each state had a vote in the congress.