It made them drop out.
The Communists didn't like how Russia was losing WW1 so they were like, "Oh forget it! Imma head out."
A. Enlightenment
The caste system is exclusive to Hinduism in this case, Hinduism did not have one founder, and neither Buddhism or Hinduism sought to actively convert people into their religions. Both Hinduism and Buddhism, however, believed in rebirth and eventual enlightenment.
People believe that the war lasted four years .
Due to the US not treating African-Americans, thousands of them lost their employment when they returned home to the US. While they were in the Army they were treated well and had food and payment from the army, however it changed when the war ended.
Manifest destiny made it to where the united states and americans were trying to expand everywhere, this meant that Americans were also going into other countries land (especially Mexico's) A large group of farmers lead by John Austin made an agreement with Mexico to where they would bring mexicans amd farm Texas. They did not fully comply to all the rules in the agreement. Because the United States had land on the borders of Texas with a strong army and americans already in Texas they basically said this is our land amd started a war ending in the anexation of Texas.