National elections
Start of Great Recession
Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
End of Great Recession
<em>The Qin Dynasty was one of the most important dynasties in China because it resulted in the unification the Chinese territories into one kingdom. </em>Led by Qin Shi Huang, it was the shortest dynasty of China and lasted 15 years.
<em>Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of China</em>, he started to built the Great Wall of China as part of the unification project, he standardized writing and the system of currency among many other achievements, but after three attempts of assassination, Qin Shi Huang became obsessed with immortality and he died after taking an "elixir" (poison) of immortality.
<u>Because Qin Shi Huang didn't like to talk about dead, he didn't left a will and his minister Li Si and Zhao Gao murdered his elder son Fusu,</u> because of his friendship with a general whom they disliked. Afterwards, his second son Hu Hai became the next emperor, although he was not prepared for this position.
People in China were angry because of the tyranny and violence of Qin Shi Huang, so when he died China revolted and the dynasty under Hu Hai collapsed.
In the 1920s, many rural banks failed because banks had speculated in stocks. This in turn, led to failure of such banks and then soon after the Great Depression followed.