Some advantages is that everyone has different strengths that can be used to build a better team. Some weaknesses are that not all team members get along and some don’t want to do the work.
Answer: B. Each firm produces up to the point where the price of the good equals the marginal cost of producing the last unit.
Allocative efficiency means that the point chosen on the production possibility frontier is socially preferred.
In a perfectly competitive market, allocative efficency is achieved at the point where price equals the marginal cost of production. At this price producer and consumer surplus is maximised.
The correct answer is letter "D": incorrect because all inputs are varied in the example.
The law of Diminishing Marginal Productivity states that increasing one variable will keep the others the same. My initially increase output but eventually adding more of that one variable may lead to a diminishing rate of return. The law helps explain why increasing production is not always the best way to increase profits.
The law of Diminishing Marginal Productivity only applies when certain inputs are fixed, but in this example, the amount of labor available varies since it is increasing.
Khi một lượng sản lượng cụ thể được sản xuất, một lượng thu nhập giống hệt nhau được tạo ra bởi vì sản lượng đó thuộc về một người nào đó. Do đó, chúng ta có nhận dạng rằng đầu ra bằng thu nhập (trong đó danh tính là một phương trình luôn đúng bất kể giá trị của bất kỳ biến nào).
When a particular quantity of output is produced, an identical quantity of income is generated because the output belongs to someone. Thus we have the identity that output equals income (where an identity is an equation that is always true regardless of the values of any variables).
Services are typically intangible.