<em>Educating </em>
The 4 E's for Social Media Building focus <em>on not interrupting the audience to sell something to them, it concentrates on adding value to their day.</em>
Regarding the 4 E's of content on social media: educating, empowering, entertaining and engaging can help you succeed.
Educating - focuses on providing your customers with useful information to help them understand what you're selling, why they need you and what problem you're fixing for them.
A) Jose B) Roberto
Absolute advantage is the advantage when work is given two individuals or producer and provide the same resources, the person who works faster and better can have the absolute advantage.
For example, if my friend is washing 100 dishes in one hour and on the other hand I am washing some dishes in two hours or we can say I am washing 50 dishes in one hour then my friend has more absolute advantage in dish washing skills than me.
Extinction is the process of classical conditioning. As the name indicated, it is the process in which any response gets extinct due to not presented some stimulus. It occurs when a conditioned stimulus is presented without any unconditioned stimulus or can say conditioned response.
Thus in the above statement, Ken used to drool the smell of peanut butter cookies as they bread and he could not stop himself sink his teeth in the cookies. But later on through the process he eventually no longer makes drool in anticipation.
Well its in New York, USA.
Hope that somewhat helps
Explanation: Operant behavior operates on the environment,
Respondent behavior occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus.
Operant behavior can be defined as a way of conduct through positive and negative reinforcement and positive and negative punishment. This occurs as a result of Response to circumstances surrounding an individual.
Respondent behavior can be defined as a conduct that occurs as a result of an answer or reply to some stimuli.