Alt + Shift + M are the keyboard shortcuts to display the merge to printer dialog box.
The answer is click on new
A domestic air carrier airplane lands at an intermediate airport at 1815Z. The latest time it may depart without a specific authorization from an aircraft dispatcher is <u>1915Z (1 hour)</u>.
Under the domestic operations, an airplane landed on intermediate airport can remain their for not more than one hour so the time would me 1 hour.
Here the time represented by 1815Z and 1915Z is in Zulu Time Zone as depicted from letter "Z". The first two digits represent the hour (0-24) and the next two represent the minutes (0-59).
- Here the landing time is 6:15 pm while departing time is after one hour that is 7:15 pm (1915Z).
i hope it will help you.
It is just a declaration of an object variable, <em>person</em>, in JavaScript. Within a <em>person</em> object, there are key:value pairs. The code that you shared has the following keys: name, age, and favouriteFood, whereas the values of those keys are: Mike, 25, and pizza.
There is <em>no</em> alert statement in this code snippet; therefore, it <em>will not alert </em>anything. This code contains only a variable called <em>person, </em>and that's it!