The correct answer is clinically insignificant
In this sense, there was no significant difference between patients who used placebo and those who did not.
Scientifically proven, the placebo effect is centered on the idea that the patient's expectations and beliefs can promote biological changes in favor of curing diseases. There are confirmations of results of improvements in different diseases with the use of inactive drugs or the simulation of a medical procedure.
Possibly more trades could take place around the world
Answer: The major ethical issues in conducting research are:
1.Informed consent
2.Beneficence- Do not harm
3.Respect for anonymity and confidentiality
4.Respect for privacy.
However important the issue under investigation psychologists need to remember that they have a duty to respect the rights and dignity of research participants. This means that they must abide by certain moral principles and rules of conduct.
I can't really give you two paragraphs but one (and probably the biggest) thing was democracy. Democracy is the 'everyone gets a fair vote' and the Romans had originally started that system. After the Roman empire fell apart, the system was completely forgotten until the USA became its own country.
Another thing that we took from the Romans is archetecture. (<-- spelled wrong). Before buildings were built with steel, American's had to rely on the Roman columns, domes, and arches. Arches are great for distributing weight so that the building wouldn't collapse in on itself and so are domes. They spread the weight evenly so that you don't have to use massive pillars to hold the building up. But when steel began to be produced, the Roman architechture became more of a decorative thing because steel is a lot stronger and can support more weight.