<span>To the computer f, this answer is because when reading the statement I assume that there is no type of connection and / or communication between the computer a and c; therefore to be profitable the computer c should return the package sending it back to computer f.</span>
Automated Reasoning
Automated reasoning is a type of Natural language understanding(NLP) in computer science that makes logical inferences based on information or data previously gathered. Automated reasoning allows computers make intelligent decisions and reason logically based on data gathered. For example, a system is based to scan online reviews and conclude on the ones that are negative reactions based on previous data.
Answer: design is art, art is design.
Any good artist is designing their work. Any good designer has an art to their work. The artist "designs" the composition of any piece they create, be it a painting, sculpture, furniture, etc. There is design even in a child's drawing.
The Statement for selecting values from the table in SQL is given below,
SELECT vendor_name, vendor_contact_last_name, vendor_contact_first_name FROM Vendors;
SQL stands for Structured query language which is used to insert, update, delete and modify the value in a table.
There are five types of SQL-
1. Data definition language
2. Data manipulation language
3. Data control language
4. Transaction Control Language
5. Data Query Language
The SELECT statement comes under DDL which is used to select and display values from a table.
We can use select statement in two ways-
1. SELECT column_name1, column_name2 ........column_nameN FROM Table_name;
2. SELECT * FROM tablename; ( This is used to select all values from the table name)
We can also give conditions using WHERE clause while selecting values.