WACC 13.85600%
First we calculate Eastern Pizza CAPM:
risk free = 0.08
market rate = 0.12
premium market = (market rate - risk free) 0.04
beta(non diversifiable risk) = 2
Ke 0.16000
Then we solve for WACC
Ke 0.16000
Equity weight 0.8
Kd 0.08
Debt Weight 0.2
t 0.34
WACC 13.85600%
The company will use the data on eastern Pizza to evualuate project presented to it. Also, it will consider the new tax rate to determinate the tax shield.
The leased line is a type of WAN (Wide Area Network) connection is not shared with other users and has continuously available communications channels. Leased line is a dedicated private circuit or data line that interconnects two or more sites. It is provided in exchange for a monthly fee or rent. It is <span>a kind of private telecommunication line with fixed bandwidth (rate).</span>
The answer to your question is true.
The difference between an inventor and an entrepreneur is that, an inventor develops new services and goods but he does not have them to the market. An entrepreneur risks resources may it be human, capital or natural in order to bring to the market improved and new products.
The risk which is incurred between entrepreneur and inventor is that, entrepreneur undergoes huge financial risks because a lot of money is being invested while inventor has low financial risk since there is no big investment which is being required.