there is no answer so stop cheating okay or i will tell your parent
While I'd skip the whole idea of reading specific bytes, if it's really worth while for your program you'll probably need to take charge of the file reading yourself so that you can keep track of exactly where you are in the file at all times.
A rock would experience a temperature of 5500°C is about the core which is at a depth of 220km.
But let us use the earth's geothermal gradient to solve this problem.
The geothermal gradient is the rate at which temperature is increasing with depth.
The geothermal gradient 25°C/km
At 5500°C,
5500°C x
= 220km
But this is not so in nature, there are other heat sources that contributes to increasing temperature with depth such as radioactive heat and frictional heat.
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Answer: Good examples of local winds are sea breezes and land breezes, and mountain and valley breezes. Local winds cover very short distances. Global winds are really large air masses that are created mainly as a result of the earth's rotation, the shape of the earth and the sun's heating power.
A glucose molecule is a monomer of starch and cellulose