Stamen: The pollen producing part of a flower, usually with a slender filament supporting the anther.
Anther: The part of the stamen where pollen is produced.
Pistil: The ovule producing part of a flower. The ovary often supports a long style, topped by a stigma.
I believe the answer is C. They are a type of jelly fish.
B. Evaporates
Evaporite is the term for a water-soluble mineral sediment that results from concentration and crystallization by evaporation from an aqueous solution.
cell membrane
The cell membrane in the diagram consists of lipids, bilayers, and proteins. The lipids, located within the cell membrane, are known as hydrophobic, meaning they are afraid of water. In other words, the lipids keep out the water. Whereas the bilayer, otherwise known as the phospholipid bilayer, is attracted to water. While the proteins simply enable molecules and other microscopic parts travel within and out the cell membrane, through the protein.