Asexual reproduction involves one parent and produces offspring that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent. Sexual reproduction involves two parents and produces offspring that are genetically unique.
The millions of sequences were not put up together from their end and had no repeating non-coding sequences.
Celera Venter of Gene Myers started working in collaboration with the Human Genome project which was designed as a revolutionary concept of sequencing of human genome at a large scale. Myers break through the traditional method of sequencing and proposed of an idea of sequencing in a unique way.
He suggested the method of breaking genome copies and then sequencing them together using LINEs. However, the declaration of this proposal by the Human project had certain failures at first as it lacked the non-coding repeating sequence.
Layers of cross-bedded sand can be indicative of a DESERT environment wind is responsible for the formation of these sedimentary structures. Sand dunes preserved in rocks can be quite large. These structures form as a result of the migration of dunes due to the action of the wind. Dunes are not often preserved but a few can be observed in thick sandstone units.
Use this:
pH = 7 => neutral
pH > 7 => basic (alkaline)
pH < 7 => acidic
So, a pH of 7.6 means the soil is alkaline.
Now, to reduce the impact you should lower the pH.
Sulfur forms acid (H2S or H2SO4) which will lower the pH.
So, adding sulfur will result in the (at least partial) neutralization of the pH and so reduce the impact on plant growth.
Answers: 1) alkaline, 2) sulfur.