More than 350,000 African Americans served in segregated units during World War I, mostly as support troops. Several units saw action alongside French soldiers fighting against the Germans, and 171 African Americans were awarded the French Legion of Honor.
Despite a high enlistment rate in the U.S. Army, African Americans were not treated equally. At parades, church services, in transportation and canteens the races were kept separate. A quota of only 48 nurses was set for African-American women, and the women were segregated from white nurses and white soldiers for much of the war. Eventually more black nurses enlisted. They were assigned to care for black soldiers. Black nurses were integrated into everyday life with their white colleagues. The first African-American woman sworn into the Navy Nurse Corps was Phyllis Mae Dailey, a Columbia University student from New York. She was the first of only four African-American women to serve as a Navy nurse during World War II.
A rise in crime associated with the illegal production and sale of alcohol, an increase of smuggling and bootleggers, and a decline in tax revenue
Another name for a bachelor’s degree is an undergraduate degree. Colleges as well as universities award bachelor´s degree also known as undergraduate degree after students complete a course of study that lasts three to seven years, depending on institution and academic discipline. Bachelor´s degree is also called baccalaureate.
In the summer of 1794, tensions between farmers and creditors in western Pennsylvania boiled over into violence. A group of armed farmers, calling themselves the "Associators," began to attack and seize the property of anyone they saw as an enemy. In response, President George Washington dispatched a force of 13,000 militiamen to put down the rebellion.
In a report to Congress, Alexander Hamilton described the events in Pennsylvania as an "insurgent" and "insurrection." By using these words, Hamilton was trying to downplay the seriousness of the situation and avoid calling it a full-blown rebellion. He may have also been trying to avoid provoking even more violence by using language that was less inflammatory.
The situation in Pennsylvania was eventually resolved without any major bloodshed. However, the episode showed how quickly tensions could boil over into violence in the early days of the republic. It also showed the importance of having a strong central government that was able to quickly put down any internal threats to the stability of the country.