The first president of the United States of America.
Well The Nile River flooded annually; this flooding was so regular that the ancient Egyptians set their three seasons Inundation, or flooding, Growth, and Harvest around it.
This annual flooding was vital to agriculture because it deposited a new layer of nutrient-rich soil each year. In years when the Nile did not flood, the nutrient level in the soil was seriously depleted, and the chance of food shortages increased greatly. Food supplies had political effects, as well, and periods of drought probably contributed to the decline of Egyptian political unity at the ends of both the Old and Middle Kingdoms.
The Roman Republic was an unequal system where Patricians(the elite) had special rights and power for most of the Republican existence, whereas other people living in Rome were divided between free Roman citizens, non-citizens who had reduced rights, and slaves who has no rights.
The Roman Empire was an empire ruled by emperors that controlled parts of the Mediterranean as well as parts of Asia and Africa, during their rule, Rome was one of the most powerful cities in the world.
World history, global history or transnational history is a field of historical study that emerged as a distinct academic field in the 1980s. It examines history from a global perspective. World History looks for common patterns that emerge across all cultures.Based on these definitions, the process of globalization largely differentiates global and world history. World history encompasses a history that is not necessarily completely interconnected through globalization, while global history examines this specific history of interconnectivity.
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Well they became farmers because there weren't enough crops.