D) Your computer monitor will not switch on.
A written agreement or a document stipulating constraints and practices that a community computer network or an individual user must agree and adhere to is called an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Employees and students are required to sign an AUP when you sign up with an ISP. A good AUP will cover most provisions for network etiquette and indicate clearly the privacy levels of a member. The examples given in the multiple choices above are use cases for AUP apart from option D. If a user is not certain on the actions that should be taken in use cases like these, an AUP should be of great help.
Plagiarizing means when some one copy the content of any topic from the sources i.e website, solutions manual, friend manual. And if some one check the solutions and find it that it was copied from somewhere the same we termed as plagiarizing.
In the given situation, if someone copying the content from someone else document so it would be called as deliberate plagiarizing
And if someone did not have any idea about it so we called accidental plagiarizing
Okay then that’s pretty cool
Automatic and Explicit Buffering.
In the case of explicit buffering, the length of the queue is provided while in automatic buffering the queue size needs to be indefinite. In automatic buffering there is no need to block the sender while coping the message. While in explicit buffering the sender is blocked for the space in queue.
No memory is being wasted in explicit buffering.
Send by Copy and Send by Reference.
By using the send by copy method, the receiver is not able to change the state of parameter while send by reference allow. The advantage of using the send by reference method is that it allows to change a centralized application to its distributed version.
Fixed-sized and Variable-sized Messages.
In fixed size messaging refers, the buffer size is fixed. This means only a particular number of messages can only be supported by the fixed size buffer. The drawback of the fixed size messages is that they must be a part of fixed size buffer. These are not a part of variable size buffer. The advantage of variable size message is that the length of the message is variable means not fixed. The buffer length is unknown. The shared memory is being used by the variable size messages.