Well, we'd want to calculate the price of 1 bagel first.
To see which is better: divide $3.29 by 6 and then divide $4.15 by 8 and see which has the lowest answer.
The first option rounds off to $0.55 for one bagel. The second option rounds off to $0.52 for one bagel.
The second option is the best.
Answer: C = 7.62
You can verify this answer using this calculator.
7^2 + 3^2 = 58
√58 = 7.62
What grade is this problem for?
4.8125 or 4 13/16
Step-by-step explanation:
(11 10/16 - 2 1/16) - 4 12/16
(9 9/16) - 4 12/16
4 .8125 or 4 13/16