The League of Nations (1919 – 1946) was the first non-governmental international organization, founded during the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.
Its main objective was to maintain world peace after World War I.
The League had three main organs: the secretariat (led by the Secretary-General), the Council, and the Assembly and a large number of commissions and agencies.
The other goals of the League were: preventing war through collective security, resolving disputes between countries through diplomacy, and improving global well-being.
The most important achievements of the League were: resolving a dispute between Sweden and Finland, preventing the economic crisis in Austria and the outbreak of the war in the Balkans, and supporting the administrative division of the Saar region in Germany.
With the onset of World War II, The League of Nation failed in its essential objective - to prevent future world wars and aggression. During the war, the Assembly did not hold meetings, the Secretariat from Geneva was reduced to a minimum and relocated most of its employees to North America. After World War II the League was replaced with the United Nations.
Cause of adolf hitler and the Jews wanted to show what will happen if Americans mess with them.
The cost of running such programs are way too expensive.
It was Kansas. Underlying it all was his desire to build a transcontinental railroad to go through Chicago. The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty.
If this is refering to the Second World War, regardless the creation of the German Bizmark, Hitlers “new deal” program was to restart the German economy. While it did contribute tension between the great powers in Europe, Hitler had youth traning programs and engineered tanks that were far superior than what France and the British had. There was and agreement between the European powers that limited naval guns to less than 13mm (which Germany spat on by equipping the Bizmark with 15mm), to reduce world tension.