War Broke out in Europe
The New Deal was of great help it helped a lot of people get jobs and did a lot of good for the people during that time though the new deal did not bring an end to the great depression. This was because the new deal struggled with issues to do with funding and so on. World War II is what brought an end to the Great Depression because of the demand in man power to provide weapons and to build different machines that were traded off to other countries
The correct answer is option B) Inhalants
Inhalants are a category of drugs that does not increase your risk of contracting HIV through infecting needles.
However, the use of other categories such as stimulants and narcotics can have a considerably higher chance of contracting HIV.
The HIV virus is not a contagious virus like flue. Instead, it needs physical contact to actually spread.
This does not mean simple touching of hands but more consistent practices such as sexual intercourse or the contact of an infected blood with another person.
Someone who injects drugs such as cocaine and heroine and shares needles with other drug addicts can have a much higher chance of contracting HIV.
The answer is C. Skeptics about the power to make a difference
I'd think that one advantage of nationalism is the unity it builds among people who share the same nation, who start to think of each other as co-citizens.
One disadvantage of nationalism is the hate can be directed against outsiders.