<em><u> The cost of the Great War ( World War I) in Europe was the needless loss of nearly an entire generation of young men, but in many regards, the social conventions of the time, exemplified in the infamous, government concocted "Little Mother" letter, required women to accept their losses quietly.</u></em>
The term monopoly is often used to describe an entity that has total or near-total control of a market.
No Answer
There is no city life in the Stone Age.
Answer: The great depression
Explanation: The economic and political collapse of the Weimar Republic was also a crucial cause, while the Nazis' own actions, such as party restructuring and propaganda, undoubtedly played a role in their rise to power. Since the Wall Street Crash of 1929, Germany's economy suffered terribly. Because of its dependency on American loans from 1924 onwards, Germany was especially badly hit by the Wall Street Crash. The economy in Germany plunged into a deep depression, as the loans were recalled. Company spending was limited
This is what led to the schism of Islam