Outside the main door, away from smoke. Outside windows that are open and away from smoke
Make a family plan in case of fire. You can make a emergency map of where to go, anywhere that can be safe.
Work out, eat healthy, and pay attention to your health
There is STD's, Pregnancy, and pain
Option (d).
Hemovac drain may be defined as the drain used to remove the fluids produced in the patients after surgery. This device is circular connected with the tube.
Hemovac needs the compress to perform the suction. The fully expanded hemovac do not allow any suction, this causes the malfunctioning of the drain. The abdominal surgery patient produces large amount of abdominal drainage. The incisional content is not drained by NG tube. Dry drainage on the dressing is not related to hemovac drainage.
Thus, the correct answer is option (d).