It is important for us to learn about history So we don’t make the same mistakes as people did before . It’s also important so we can learn more about people and the importance of them
A developed economy is one that has a strong exporting industry that generates income for the country. Some examples of developed economies are the United States, England, Canada, France. Usually they call developed economies of first world.
The most diverse scientific studies demonstrate the positive relation between economic development and standard of living. The more developed a country's economy is, the better the quality of life for its citizens. The opposite is true, the less developed a country's economy, the worse a country's social indicators are.
Answer: Creating a heuristic
Based on the information given in the question, Dmitri is engaged in the creation of an heuristic.
A heuristic approach simply refers to the problem solving whereby a practical method is used to being about solutions which are sufficient but may not be optimal at that point in time.
:Public speaking has been reversed as a civic right in democratic civilizations since ancient times.
: When someone speaks to a group of people in live through any medium whether it is internet related such as videos, etc. or Televisions, or with no screens i.e. in live then it is known as public speaking. Public speaking includes face to face interaction of speaker and audience. In this process a single person speaks to a group of audience. In public speaking mostly formal speeches are used to connect with people.
Public speaking is reversed as civic right since ancient times. Civic right protects the right of freedom. These rights provides basic freedom to every citizen of the Nation. The right to speech is a fundamental right and has always been protected by the civic right and that’s why since ancient ages in democracy the civic right has been reversed in the public speaking.
Basing the results on facts is what that Jessica and junior scientists need to do consider when conducting studies and experiments. Making results on the basis of facts is gives more accurate and factual information. Performing experiments while studying is the best possible way to acquire information or knowledge.
The information or any detail can be stated as accurate and correct when it is based on the facts because this kind of result/ information is free from errors and biased results.