B lançaram a Doutrina Monroe.
Os Estados Unidos da América lançaram a Doutrina Monroe contra a interferência dos países europeus nos assuntos internos dos Estados Unidos. A Doutrina Monroe foi apresentada pelo presidente James Monroe em dezembro de 1823. Nessa doutrina, os Estados Unidos da América alertam os países europeus que a colonização posterior ou monarcas fantoches não seriam tolerados pelos Estados Unidos da América. De acordo com esse doutorado, ninguém teria permissão para interferir nos assuntos internos dos EUA.
Candidates are nominated and appointed by the president if the Senate approves by a majority vote.
Good luck
<span>In the 1830s President Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 a policy of relocating Indians from the Southeast to the Midwest for their own protection. The resulting forced emigration is known as the Trail of Tears. The Indian Appropriations Act of 1851 set the precedent for modern-day Native American reservations through allocating funds to move western tribes onto reservations since there were no more lands available for relocation.</span>
The Second World War earned the United States a place at the grown ups table because they showed the rest of the world they were not to be trifled with. Both with their troops fighting and the fact that they were able to finish making the atomic bomb before an old, well established country like Russia.
The Equator, or line of 0 degrees latitude