A. Sonnet poem
An ode poem is a kind of poem, usually praising something. An ode is a form of lyric poetry — expressing emotion — and it's usually addressed to someone or something, or it represents the poet's musings on that person or thing.
In poetry, a sonnet has 14 lines, and each line has 10 syllables. Generally, sonnets are divided into different groups based on the rhyme scheme they follow.
Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. Because Haikus are such short poems, they are usually written about things that are recognizable to the reader.
Either a or b i say B since that’s the definition of theme
Composition/Written Expression I believe
Just add the words together. Some of the words need you to get rid of an "e" at the end. Like love+able should be lovable, but on care+less, you need to keep the "e" so it would be careless. Basically, keep the "e" is the first letter or the next word is a consonant, but if it's a vowel, get rid of the "e". Hope this helps!!
Answer:Dear Headmaster,
I want to go to another school because I don’t learn well with the teachers at this school and the food is too expensive and not even good.
I don’t have much friends in this school so I am like everyday sad…
I hope you understand me
Kind regards,