C) His transformation. When Odysseus finally returns home, he discovers there are multiple suitors who are taking advantage of his home in an effort to wed his wife Penelope who slowly becomes skeptical of Odysseus's survival. If Odysseus rushes in immediately, he would be killed by the large number of suitors. In order to win the upper hand, he disguises himself as an old man in order to calculate and plan out how to get rid of the suitors and reveal his true self to his wife. This involved great patience and humility, as being an elder man of a lowly status gave him a sense of humiliation from the treatment of those around him.
It would most likely be an informational/explanatory essay because she is seeking to inform the readers about the school event.
I believe we should not be given any homework today. Our class works hard and we do a lot of homework. My parents might be fed up with the lack of time they get to spend with me. Do you really want an angry letter and a bad rating? My parents want me to enjoy life and be a kid. Also, if we didn't have homework tonight, I could get together and reconnect with friends i have not seen for a long time. Isn't friendship and joy more important than homework? So, as I hope you can see, homework is not a priority compared to simple joys of life like family and friendships. I hope you will not assign any homework tonight. :)
After completing your undergraduate studies, you are trying to decide if you should enter the workforce or continue your education in graduate school. By going into the workforce, you know that you will potentially be missing out on higher earnings in the future. However, by staying in school, you are not only going to have to pay thousands of dollars in tuition and book costs, but you are also going to miss out on earning whatever pay you would have made at the job you could have worked at.
is right¡!