D. One sex has a higher chance to inherit it than the other (male).
These can be either recessive or dominant. We usually think more of the recessive traits like color blindness and hemophilia but dominant sex-linked traits also exist (fragile X).
Methods of Solid Waste Disposal and Management:
Solid Waste Open Burning.
Sea dumping process.
Solid wastes sanitary landfills.
Incineration method.
Composting process.
Disposal by Ploughing into the fields.
Disposal by hog feeding.
Salvaging procedure.
Fungi have multicellular filaments that absorb nutrients
Shivering and sweating.
A prolonged exposure to extreme cold environment would activate the brain's heat-gain center. Your brain's heat-gain center causes shivering in order to increase our muscle contraction which leads to warming of our body. Increase sweating is the regulatory processes our body use if it experience very high temperature. In order to regulate internal temperature of body, our body remove water which takes up heat with itself to lower th internal temperature.
The answer is D, sweating.
Homeostasis is where the body uses some mechanisms to maintain a optimum condition for the body to function. These conditions may include body temperature, blood glucose level etc.
Sweating is a mechanism that can help maintain the body temperature. During hot conditions, the sweat glands under the skin surface may produce sweat, which is then released to the skin surface. When the sweat is on the skin surface, they evaporate. During evaporation, heat energy is brought away from the skin as the sweat molecules that have a higher kinetic energy (=temperature) escaped from the sweat drop. The average temperature of the sweat is reduced. Eventually, the temperature of the body is decreased and this help maintain the suitable temperature for the body to function.
Therefore, your answer is D, sweating.