If you convinced your friend to lend you her notes to study for an exam, the situation is an example of C. rhetoric conclusions. Rhetoric is the<span> art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, using figures of speech and other compositional techniques.It lacks sincerity or meaningful content. </span>
The devil effect
The devil effect is normally used to describe a situation where people assume that other people have and may likely exhibit bad characteristics. In most cases, the devil effect error, also called the negative halo effect is always wrong in the sense that the person in question usually do not possess the bad characteristics being assumed.
The two primary reasons for the graying of America
Census of baby boomers
Better medical treatment, living longer
protect civil liberties through a constitutional system
Civil liberties relates to the guarantees and liberty which liberal governments commit not to abrogate without due process, either through legislation or judicial interpretation.
Civil liberties involves the right of ownership, the right to self-defense and the right of dignity of the body. There are variations between positive freedom / categorical imperatives and adverse freedom / negative rights inside the disparities between civil liberties as well as other forms of freedom.
Thus, from the above we can conclude that the ultimate goal of the founders was to protect these civil liberties.
Congress of Vienna (1815)
1.Restore Europe to its pre-revolution/Napoleon conditions.
2.Prevent future wars and revolutions in Europe.
3.Combat tide of rising nationalism and liberalism spreading throughout Europe.