Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the most likely reason for Sondra's reaction is that she appraises the event as irrelevant to her own situation. Therefore since the event does not affect her own life or situation she passes it off as unimportant and instead focuses on the situations around her that are affecting her personally.
dawg no one is gonna do this for u u need to MAN UP. RIGHT NOW. DO IT.
The main difference between these two terms is that a concurring opinion agrees with the majority decision, but for different legal reasons, while a dissenting opinion explains why one or more justices disagree with the majority. Each of which tends to ocurr often in court cases where various judges analyze and pass judgment of another judges decision on a specific case. With a concurring opinion most, if not all, judges agree with the decision that has been made but tend to give different reasons as to why they believe the decision was justified.
In addition to the urethra, this muscular duct travels through the prostate gland: the ejaculatory duct.
The ejaculatory duct (Ductus ejaculatory) is a paired structure in the male anatomy. Each ejaculatory duct is formed by the union of the ducts of the seminal vesicles and the vas deferens. They pass through the prostate and lead to the urethra above the seed.
The ejaculatory duct provides the interface between the male reproductive and urinary systems, feeding sperm into the urethra, adding secretions from the prostate, and supplements necessary for sperm function (see diagram below). ).
Learn more about the ejaculatory duct here: