I would say that the first flower attracts birds etc. t go and drink it's nectar (also I know that humming birds are attracted to red), and thus spread it's pollen. The second flower most likely attracts bees seeing how t is also sweetly scented, but has no nectar. This must mean that it only has pollen, which bees are great at spreading! I have no clue about the last one....Maybe bugs or bats?? Those are the only other pollinators I know of. It could possibly be that there is no pollinator for the third flower and it just tries to keep animals and insects from eating it with it's shape and odor and just relays on the wind for pollination.<span />
turgid refers to cells or tissues that are swollen from water uptake. Many cell types in many different organisms can become turgid due to water uptake. Some cells will lyse, or split open if they become too turgid.
Golgi bodies/ golgi apparatus/ golgi complex are the diff. names