Producers undergo photosynthesis, Nitrogen compounds are released into the air
Horses play a large role in the daily and national life of the Mongols; it is traditionally said that "A Mongol without a horse is like a bird without the wings.
Rich black soil also referred to as “The gift of the nile” they also believed the river flooded from the tears of the goddess Iris as she cried over the death of her husband Osiris.
, is the right answer.
Prejudice is an effective sentiment towards an individual based on that individual's recognized group association. The term is generally used to apply to a preconceived, ordinarily unfortunate, evaluation of another individual based on that person's beliefs, values, sex, social class, political affiliation, disability, language, occupation, education or other individual characteristics.
The geographic location of New Orleans made it, along with Savannah, an ideal center of the slave trade in the United States.
New Orleans sits on the Mississippi on the Gulf of Mexico. As a result, ships carrying slaves could go from anywhere in the world and have access to the river systems of middle America where slaves were being used.