One day I was in the kitchen, getting coffee like every day. I turn around and I see my friend! He says "I just met your sister." you freak out and check everywhere for a "sister" but there is nobody to be seen. When I check back my friend is gone. I find him outside playing baseball. He does that everyday for 2 weeks. You think to yourself "This has gone on too long!" and the next day you wait for him and you find a little girl. This little girl is lost! You help her find the way home, and you live a happy life.
One effect that parallelism has on a written work is that it emphasizes ideas.
Explanation: Parallelism is a literary device that is used in many literary genres, even though is mainly used in poetry.
the president chose a judge he considers most qualified for the job
i just passed the test
Yes, this is an internal conflict.
Internal Conflict:
1. mental struggle arising from opposingdemands or impulses.
2. psychological struggle within the mind of aliterary or dramatic character, the resolutionof which creates the plot's suspense:Hamlet's inaction is caused by internalconflict.
Ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is appealing to the reader by the author establishing his credability. Pathos is appealing to the reader by the author "pulling at the readers heart strings." This means he is illiciting emotions in the reader. Logos is appealing to the reader by the author establishing logic in his argument. These stratagies are used by all authors, not just historical fiction writers.