The cell won't reproduce ATP.
Python script is given below
charge = float(input('Enter the amount you were charged. $'))
#setting the formula for tip and tax
tip = charge*.18
tax = charge*.07
#printing the values
print('Charge for the food: %.2f' % charge)
print('The tip amount: %.2f' % tip)
print('Tax amount: %.2f' % tax)
print('Total amount: %.2f' % (charge+tip+tax))
Experimental probability describes how frequently an event actually occurred in an experiment. So if you tossed a coin 20 times and got heads 8 times, the experimental probability of getting heads would be 8/20, which is the same as 2/5, or 0.4, or 40%.
Digital Millennium Act
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act is a United States copyright law that implements two treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization . The aim of this ACT is to protect the rights of both copyright owners and consumers. The law complies with the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright. The law has two basic functions. First, it protects copyright owners by providing them with a mechanism to enforce their rights without having to directly sue the infringer