Part C
Consider what you know about economics, particularly the rules of supply and demand. Images A and B show information about the supply of books in Europe. Based on these images, what might be true about the demand for books in Europe at the start of the sixteenth century?
It is a mixed economy. That means it operates as a free market economy in consumer goods and business services.
The right answers are:
Lenin and Trotsky.
Vladimir Ilich Lenin was the main Bolshevik leader and Leon Trotsky was another major activist. Both were instrumental in the Bolshevik Party´s quest for power and opposition to the "bourgeois" government of moderate socialist Aleksandr Kerensky that ruled Russia for a few months after the fall of the last Tsar. His government was brought down by the successful Bolshevik revolt in St. Petersburg on November 7, 1917 (October in Russian old style).
Many forerunners and founding fathers of America hailed from the East, American westward expansion was considered to be the hallmark because of many reasons. It all started when Thomas Jefferson bought Louisianan territory from France, he believed that for America to become a powerful block in the world, its west ward expansion is necessary.
There was vast and cheap availability of fertile lands in the west which could be used for erecting major factories and create employment opportunities that were mostly low paid in the east due to European restrictions.
Gold Rush in Oregon was an alluring factor for westward expansion. Environment in the west was compliant and the land was productive.
In the year 1838, 16,000 Native Americans were marched over 1,200 miles of rugged land. Over 4,000 of these Indians died of disease, famine, and warfare. The Indian tribe was called the Cherokee and we call this event the Trail of Tears<span>.</span>