Here ya go! Hope this helps! Please spell check; mine is being buggy today.
Scruntiny: Watson was used to Sherlock's scruntiny about mysteries.
Inconsequential: Not important or significant. Sentence: The spilled milk seems inconsequential when compared to the murder.
Illuminated: Lit with bright lights. Sentence: During christmas our town is illuminated with decorative lights.
Coveted: Greatly desired or envied. Sentence: The royal robe was a coveted item at the gallery.
Answer and Explanation:
Malala had the ambition to become a teacher, a doctor or a politician, however, after being attacked by the Taliban and banned from studying, Malala mustered her ambition and decided to work in search of quality education for any child anywhere in the world, mainly for girls.
She believes that politics can change the world, because it is the policy that dictates the rules and decides how society will be established in relation to any social element, including quality education, cobate violence, religious freedom and the suppression of the authoritarianism. In short, politics is capable of bringing about change and good changes change the world for the better.
Maybe so you know it when/if it comes up later in school.