Gold and copper i believe
To start the us policy of containment was made because of the fear of communism spreading. An example of containment is when Russia sent nuclear missiles to cuba which in turn created the Cuban missile crisis, the us then set up a "quarantine" around northern cuba to protect the us. Russia later took the missiles back and tensions fell. Another example is the situation in Berlin, West Berlin was communist, East Berlin was democratic, the communist vision eventually fell with the Berlin wall which promoted democracy. The us also gave billons of dollars to Europe to promote democratic growth. The quarantine is basically against communism and promoting a democratic style.
The correct answer is C.
Both revolutions were triggered due to a bad financial situation that led to the increase in the tax burden that mostly affected the unprivileged social classes. From this point onwards, the two revolutions developed based on the Enlightment principles as the unpriveleged claimed for decision power.
The Enlightenment philosophers, such as Locke, Monstequieu or Rosseau. introduced ideas that challenged, and ended up derrocating, the power structures of the Old Regime. They promoted reason and the scientific method over religious dogmatism and superstititions.
The main principles developed were the following: definition of bills of citizens' rights, social contract (citizens electing political representatives to create goverments through suffrage, in opposition to the prevailing absolute monarchies), and the division of the powers of the state in order to avoid excessive power accumulation in certain sectors, and risks of authoritarism.
The people are known for having very large eyes and thick eyelashes. ... Approximately 25 percent of Greeks have blue, gray or green eyes, although these colors are normally mixed with brown in the iris pattern. Coal black eyes are rare in Greeks, despite their dark complexions.
The Greeks wore light clothes as the climate was hot for most of the year. Their garment usually consisted of two main parts: a tunic (either a peplos or chiton) and a cloak (himation). Clothes were secured with ornamental clasps or pins at the shoulder and belt, sash, or girdle at the waist.
and they used roman theaters, Roman theatres were built in all areas of the Empire, from Spain to the Middle East. ... While amphitheatres would feature races and gladiatorial events, theatres hosted events such as plays, pantomimes, choral events, orations, and commerce.
Explanation: it gives an example of how a girl should take care of inside work while boys should be doing outside work