That statement is true - assuming that you are talking about queries in search engine.
for example, John from <em>London </em>type this query on his search engine " Mc Donalds <u>Manchester </u>Area"
Macnhester is the explicit location, because it is found insde the query
Meanwhile, London become the implicit location because it is the location where John Type the query
Some workers are paid more than others is simply because of more qualifying schooling or they could've performed greatly and showed great achievement and leadership. Furthering your education also goes a long way in any type of work environment, no matter what the job may be.
Dangerous, rocky, fast moving water is called cataract. C<span>ataracts are sections where the river tumbles over rocks, and can be very dangerous. A well known cataract can be found in the Nile River. </span>
legislative - makes laws
executive - carriss out laws
judical - evaluate laws