They joined a local organization...
Jerusalem was very important because back than it was known as the city for Jews and so they lived there, worked there, and played there so when the romans came to kill all Jews they attacked and knocked down the cities because they wanted to destroy everything Jew related since it was conflict over religions back than.
McCormick's reaper could cut more wheat in a day than a half-dozen farmhands. The machine's speed increased crop yields, decreased the number of farmhands needed, and helped turn the Midwest into the nation's breadbasket region. Because farmers were able to harvest wheat so quickly, they began to plant more of it.
In 2014, there were approximately over 50 political action committees (PACs) in the United States. PACs are political committees established by corporations, labor unions, membership organizations or trade associations. However, PACs can donate money to parties or candidates they support.
At the end of the war, to defeat Nazi Germany, the final destination (primary target) was Berlin, the capitol of Germany. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, the Allies then turned their attention in defeating Imperliast Japan.
hope this helps