C. We'll
We'll take the trash out for you.
Answer: King Frog
Smith describes a village brought to chaos by two invaders, and the pointless courage that the women showed by confronting them to protect their daughters despite not being able to stop the two men from retaliating and coming back over and over again. It´s said that there´s always a boy that confronts one of the invaders, showing the same kind of pointless courage. In her town, that boy was a fourteen-year-old who was called King Frog because he used to say that the most powerful in the village was a big ugly toad able to scare even the little boy´s father.
uuhhhhh mabye this website
77 Latin Words, Abbreviations, and Expressions That You Should Know
Latin Word/Phrase Literal Translation
carpe diem seize the day
Cogito ergo sum. I think, therefore, I am
Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I conquered
e pluribus unum out of many, one
76 more rows•Jul 18, 2013
I know a lot of other languages (including Korean) but I have never heard of that. I asked my language teacher, and even she didn't know, so I don't know if that is even something.