France was motivated to take over vietnam by its economic ambitions as well as by
-his thinking of itself being a most civilized country. it was its civilizing mission that motivated it to take over vietnam. it considered vietnames to be primitive and backward, skilled copysists, capable of doing manual labour not of intellectual refection and not able to rule themselves ...
Hamilton states that the stage government is more likely to intrude on the powers of the federal government. One reason being he was enemies with the Secretary of State at the time Thomas Jefferson and fought against the state a lot.
Typically they will all earn same amount of income (money) no matter what job they are working in. Communism also usually has 1 leader or ruler.
The role of the consumer in a market economy
Consumers take their responsibility to make decisions and to buy what is best for them. There is a lot of competition in a market economy because producers want consumers to buy their products rather than another companies product.