Institutional leadership infuses values through establishing narratives that connect the past, present, and future, interpreting external values requirements by matching and connecting them with traditional operational identity, and guaranteeing their embodiment by supporting exploratory value dialogue processes.
i dont know you did not put the answers
<span>Clarisse differentiates herself from other people because of the distinctive way she looks at the world. She reveals this in her conversations with Montag. For example, Clarisse talks to Montag about things he has never considered. She talks about the taste of rain and how there is someone on the moon. In these instances, Clarisse defies...</span>
Tidal power:I think 3 image
<span>The delegates knew that signing the Declaration was dangerous. Britain would call it treason. Treason is the crime of fighting against one's own government. Anyone who signed the Declaration could be charged with treason and hanged.