Bare metal recovery.
Technologies designed to replace operating systems and services when they fail are called bare metal recovery.
Basically, it is a software application or program which is primarily designed to enable users to reboot the affected system and services that have failed, usually from a removable media, CD-Rom using an image file of the operating system backup.
The program in question would create a new Scanner Object which asks the user for the Username first. It would then save this input into a temporary variable and compare it to the actual username in the database. Since the username is not case sensitive, we would use the toLowerCase() method on both the input and the database username so that they match even if the letters are not the same case structure. If both usernames match then we would move on to ask the user for the Password and compare it with the database password for that user. Since this one is case sensitive we would compare as is. Finally, if both Username and Password match we would print "Hello World" otherwise we would print "Login Failed."
Data Confidentiality
A Man-In-The-Middle-Attack (MITM) is an attack when a hacker gets between a communicative situation and digitally eavesdrops.