Case-based reasoning.
A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to create, store, modify, retrieve and manage data or informations in a database. Generally, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.
A data dictionary can be defined as a centralized collection of information on a specific data such as attributes, names, fields and definitions that are being used in a computer database system.
In a data dictionary, data elements are combined into records, which are meaningful combinations of data elements that are included in data flows or retained in data stores.
This ultimately implies that, a data dictionary found in a computer database system typically contains the records about all the data elements (objects) such as data relationships with other elements, ownership, type, size, primary keys etc. This records are stored and communicated to other data when required or needed.
Basically, when a database management system (DBMS) receives data update requests from application programs, it simply instructs the operating system installed on a server to provide the requested data or informations.
Case-based reasoning is a problem-solving technique where each problem in a database is stored with a description and keywords that identify it. It is typically based on cognitive science and artificial intelligence.
A) your temp gauge is moving into red
In general, synchronous communication means you have to wait for the answer all the time. The programming logic is simpler, but the cost that you spend a lot of time waiting.
If the options are:
<span>a. The people communicating don't need to be online at the same time.
b. There is lag time in the communication.
c. The communication occurs in real time.
a is false, you do need to be online to receive the message
b is true, typically you continue only after an acknowledgement
c is true, you wait for acknowledgement that occurs in real time (not necessarily fast though)</span>
Case-sensitivity is inherently faster to parse (albeit only slightly) since it can compare character sequences directly without having to figure out which characters are equivalent to each other. It allows the implementer of a class/library to control how casing is used in the code.