Drama is defined in the text as a composition that tells a story through conflict, emotions, action, and dialogue. These qualities are also found in novels like Don Quixote because they are in general common to literature of all sorts and forms
It helped them deal with the lack of certain resources.
They turned to the arts as a means of creative expression
Before Kublai Khan took over China, it had an open social hierarchy system wherein the citizens could take up civil examinations in order to move forward. Kublai Khan turned this open system into a closed one and demoted the elite literary group.
He made sure that the elite were only those who had inherited it by birth. While this happened, the artisans and craftsmen were given increasing importance and therefore everyone turned towards art as a form of expression as a means of saving their lives. The- literati were made to write to entertain their elite masters.
orixas are a link between the spiritual world and the world of humans. Voduns and inkices are spirit gods, essentially the same as orixas. Candomblé is a synthesis of three African religions, Yoruba, Fon and Bantu, and voduns and inkices are the names preferred by the other two sects.