Although this depends slightly on what period you're referring to during this time, the best answer would be that "Immigrants" made up the largest percentage of workers in American industry during the late nineteenth century, since the economy had shifted towards industrial output as opposed to agrarian output.
Radio-wave communications signals travel through the air in a straight line, reflect off of clouds or layers of the ionosphere, or are relayed by satellites in space. They are used in standard broadcast radio and television, shortwave radio, navigation and air-traffic control, cellular telephony, and even remote-controlled toys.
The correct answer is B) They were not represented by the government that was taxing them.
The colonists resisted the new taxes imposed on them because they were not represented by the government that was taxing them.
The American colonists were upset and angry due to the heavy taxation imposed by the British crown. The colonist did not have any voice or representation in the British Parliament. And that was not fair for the, There was a quote in those years that said: "taxation without representation is tyranny." Taxes such as the Sugar Act, the Tea Act or the Stamp Ac, caused the beginning of the Revolutionary War.
His goals were to stimulate economic growth and political discussion.
Pursue- to work to obtain something
Dominant- being the most influential
Humanism- a movement focusing on people and reason instead of religion
Vernacular- the everyday language of a particular place