In making the web diagram, the student is trying to make a relationship between ideas and the main topic. A web diagram is a visual aid that shows the relationship between ideas. It organizes various topic and depicts the relation between them.
Adverb clause
Have words like "as" and "though" in the sentence.
This is a matter of opinion but I read this book a while back so i’ll give it a shot.
I believe that sameness is not desirable. With no differences, life wouldn’t be as fun or as interesting. While differences cause wars, oppression, and other bad things, they also lead to wonderful things like relationships, culture, and emotions. In the Giver we see that Jonas finds beauty in being able to have intense emotions and live in his memories. Everything is dreary in this dystopian and I would never want to live that way. I can’t imagine a world where people don’t have different stories to tell, cultures to share, or love and opinions.
The artist spends many hours in on his studio on at 50 Charles start
She was not distracted by things and the demands they pose (to clean them, dust them e.t.c.) and so, she enjoyed the nature around her.