International organizations are likely to be ineffective in addressing a nuclear crisis in South Asia, primarily because their deliberations take too long. However, a forum like the United Nations will still be required for the conduct of critical multilateral negotiations, whether or not the organization itself gets involved in intervention.
For the foreseeable future, "managed tension" will remain the norm between India and Pakistan.
Historic ties shape the perceptions and actions of belligerents as well as those responding to a crisis. Although this may sound like a blinding flash of the obvious, the extent to which historic ties impacted the game was revealing.
Conventional force confidence-building measures between India and Pakistan need to be complemented by nuclear CBMs.
Nuclear weapons provide states with enhanced negotiating leverage. Nuclear weapons provide countries with a wild card that they would not otherwise possess.
Conflicting views concerning the importance of nuclear weapons will continue. India, in particular, sees possession of nuclear weapons as the key to great power status.
Post-nuclear exchange options are extremely limited.
You talk so little describing the manifest Destiny, and more on the Pictures. Try to a little bit more on the Manifest Destiny as well okay.
Becuase the British would not let them have a diffrent faith or religion, it was only what the king said you. if the king said you were Christian you were Christian if the king said you were Muslim. If you denied what the king said, he would excute you for treason
That's why we have the first amendment, freedom of speech; which allows us to say whatever we want and also beleve in whatever we want. (Unless it is harming yourselves or other people)
Base on the evolutionary approach to love, the reason why
women prefer men with resources is because men with resources is a sign of
competence in men, while the reason why men prefer women who are attractive is
because it is a sign of fitness in terms of reproductive with women.
I believe the answer is: Diplomat
When diplomats are operating in a foreingn country, they are not held by the law of that foreign country and only has the obligation to follow the law in their own country.
Examples of diplomats' duties are: giving shelter for runaway citizens that need protection, helping the citizens have with their legalities, helping foreign trades that initiated by international corporations, etc.