Violence on TV Most people in our society generally have the opinion that violence on television increases aggression in children and adolescents. Does it ? Who is to say whether television has a positively direct effect or a positive correlation ? However, the majority of the people who have researched this topic have discovered that violence on television is indeed one of the prime factors contributing to the increase in violent and aggressive behavior among the youth in society.
Violence on TV Violence is described in Webster’s dictionary as physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing. Violence on TV has been steadily increasing for the past few years. It’s not very often that you will find a TV show in prime time that doesn’t involve some type of violence. According to Hollywood sex and violence sells. The problem with this is that violent programs on television lead to aggressive behavior by children and teenagers
Television Violence and Common Sense It is obvious that children are affected by television. They often pretend to be their favorite character, reenact scenes from movies, and wear clothes featuring their media heroes. As a child, I pretended to be one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles while practicing my fighting skills on invisible bad guys. Although these things are usually a healthy part of growing up, it would be foolish to assume that children are not affected in a negative way
apprehensive: anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen
attentive: paying close attention to something.
bluff: an attempt to deceive someone into believing that one can or will do something.
contortion: a twisted or bent condition, state, or form.
debris: scattered pieces of waste or remains.
defiance: open resistance; bold disobedience.
egregious: outstandingly bad; shocking.
emerge: move out of or away from something and come into view.
foresight: the ability to predict or the action of predicting what will happen or be needed in the future.
habitation: the state or process of living in a particular place.
“Often called the exposition, this is the part of the story where we are introduced to the main conflict, or main problem.”
I didn’t read the story so I’m not sure what the main conflict would be..
in my opinion: it can be healthy , for like .. say a relationship . if a couple never argues , then that means that they are not expressing their opinions / thoughts / emotions .. etc .
so its really health to have conflict sometimes , because you get to express yourself .